This gallery exists to showcase some of my work involving coverage of events/gatherings. I enjoy making a connection with the person behind the camera and capturing a moment for them to remember!
Summer Night Celebrations
This set captures the summer night moods that characterized this rooftop gathering in Downtown Vancouver. It was a fun experience exploring the party and capturing some of the laughter and fun moments that were going on in every corner. It was a great exercise using flash in an indoor night environment.
Ferrari x Lunar New Year
This set was shot for the local Ferrari of Vancouver and WrapWorkz auto wrapping, to capture the festive Lunar New Year event. These images were for social media pages for both parties. It was a great chance to meet new people and exercise indoor flash.
Unlearnify Summer Summit
This event was a 3 day seminar held in downtown Vancouver that connected local business owners and entrepreneurs in an engaging learning experience. The motto was to “unlearn” your limits.
Photographing this event was a great learning experience in tracking speakers and audiences, as well as moving discreetly and shooting in silent modes for audio recordings. It was an excellent opportunity to listen and capture the discussions of these young entrepreneurs!
Let’s Connect
Got a project you need photos for?
Let’s make it happen.